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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

I Then Shall Live

How many people have, over the past year, found heartache and sorrow because they have relied on something or someone who has failed them? Elections that have torn families and communities apart, a forgetful moment that has caused someone to fail another, a word spoken in haste that has fractured a relationship. These are times from our past that we would rather forget but the memories tend to return like a boomerang and hit us when we are not watching.

Truth be told, over the past year I have messed up and caused a few issues and have tried to make restitution. Some have forgiven, some have held onto the anger but through it all we are still here and we are still bathed in the glory of God regardless of our human faults. I want to throw this out there. Are we truly living if we are holding onto the past in expectation that the past can be relived and changed? A car crash that happened in January can’t be revisited, the circumstances changed so the accident never happened thus changing the events, just to placate our own desires of a pleasant journey.  It happened, we learn from it and move forward rather than dwell and stew over the events or incidents so that we are encumbered, shackled even, to the actions of the past.

My Father in Heaven knows my every move and my every thought. He cares for me with infinite love and gave up His own Son so that I may know the grace and glory of God not only here on earth but also in Heaven when my time comes. To know this message is to know the perfect release. To know God’s grace, His perfect forgiveness of my sins, is to know life. When we take the measures of our past and those things that we have held onto and give them up to a loving and forgiving Father, it is then that I shall live; that we shall live. The things of the past are gone and done, the things of the future are ahead and will be known soon enough. Life is a gift, that is why it is the present. The time has come to live in God’s love and to understand that He is in control and that our future is secure in His glory. God has made it abundantly clear that the future is in His control regardless of what we predict and stress over. To know this is to truly live.

This Sunday marks the start of 2017. Let us resolve to live; live in His blessings and His grace. When we recognize this we shall truly live.

Happy New Year

Pastor Todd

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