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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

I have heard it said that it takes a village to raise a child. Years ago, I lived on a farm just outside Lacombe, AB. When we moved there from the city, I knew little of the ways of the farm but as I settled into the lifestyle, I found my place and became an integral part of the operation. I was a rather small child but that did not stop me from taking up a bucket at feeding time and heft it down the long corridor to the end of the barn. It took numerous trips to the north pens from the water room and the chop room and the fences is had to lift the bucket over were very high but I did manage to complete the task with relatively little spillage.

As time went along, I grew stronger in my abilities and was soon carrying two buckets and then four buckets down the corridor. The fences became less of an obstacle and I became more proficient at my tasks. My brother also had his specialty as did my mom and dad. Together, as a team, we did pretty good. Each person contributed in a different way as their talents provided. Mom was an incredible cook and could make a gourmet meal out of a sow’s ear. Dad kept my brother and I busy and taught us so many things that we still utilize today and my brother was a constant source of entertainment and I could always count on him. Take any one part of that team out of the equation and we would not have been able to accomplish all we did.

When Holy Spirit comes upon us, He bestows gifts that, when used in combination with other’s gifting, improve the whole community. God gifts each person in different ways and we grow in our understanding and abilities not only as time goes along but also as we learn just what He has gifted us with and how it all fits into God’s plan. Not everyone is a gifted speaker but some are gifted with a helping nature and others with a gift of wisdom. God knows the plans He has for His faith gathering and gifts people for the health of the whole community and His wisdom in this is perfect.

This Sunday we look at 1 Corinthians 12 so to understand the importance of the parts as they effect the whole.


Pastor Todd

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