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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

What Can I Say

There are days when things are just sort of, how do I put this; Meh. You know those days, right? It’s one of those days where emails from the head office don’t really rate a reply because, it’s all just – meh. Most days are full of hope and joy where you look forward to the next meeting with anticipation, the sun looks just a bit brighter and even the clouds glisten with a silver lining. There are also the days where nothing is going right, the sunshine gives you a headache and the clouds only signal rain and cold. Then there is Meh. These are the days where nothing really matters too much but there is a chance that if one shoe drops, the day is going to head south in a real hurry. Then again, there is also a chance that one act of kindness could totally brighten up the day. Today is that day for me. Now before people start sending in notes of concern and such, this is a “meh” day and as I write this, I am taking note of how wonderful God is in the toughest of times and in the meh times.

I remember years ago when we used to see how deep we could dive before we had to surface. We had an idea of how deep we could go and there is that point where you could either go a bit further or turn back. I do recall getting to that point this one time and thinking I could try just a couple feet deeper. Turned out that was the wrong call. I had gone past the “meh” point and set myself up for the rest of the journey. As I turned to go back to the surface, I realized how deep I had sunk and it was going to be close getting to the surface. I raced to the surface, using up the oxygen in the lungs at a greater rate and, with lungs burning, I realized I wasn’t going to make it. The air escaped my lips in a scream and the void was replaced with water but, at the last moment, a hand grabbed mine and, in the next moment, I was on the surface coughing and sputtering. What a blessing and a miracle in that one precious moment.

We have the opportunity each and every day to grasp that hand of blessing. Remember, when the day is going south, call upon the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance to help you get to the surface. Those times when the world is that little bit brighter, call out to the Holy Spirit in praise for what the Lord has provided. On those “meh” days, take time out in prayer and meditation, ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart and your eyes to the blessings around you and bask in the light of the Lord.

The Lord is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation. Ps 145:9

This weekend, we begin a new series on the Holy Spirit leading up to Pentecost. We would love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.

Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship

YouTube Live – You Tube

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.       


Pastor Todd

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