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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Opening our doors for public services!!

This Father’s Day, 21 June @ 10:30, we will be opening our doors for the first time in over three months. While we are very excited to be able to gather in person, we are still very conscious of the risks associated with this and will be taking every precaution to reduce these risks. We have, over the past few months, been kept well informed with regards to safe practices and social distancing and, while it is engrained in our daily activities, it is important for us to communicate this to those coming in for services. While this is not an exhaustive list, it is important that we cover some of the basic safety precautions.

Personal Safety:

·       If you are feeling unwell, exhibit signs of the virus or have a temperature, we would encourage you to stay home and take in the service online through Facebook Live or YouTube live.

·       If you are a person who is in the high-risk category, we ask that you be extra careful and take added precautions as you feel necessary. Please remember, we are live streaming the services for those not comfortable with attending in person.

·       Wearing facemask is encouraged as a means of preventing spread of disease.

·       We have placed the seats in the sanctuary in such a manner to keep with distancing. We will be available to move things around to accommodate families and such.

·       Please use the wash stations at the entrances.

·       There are spray bottles with disinfectant in the washrooms. Please take the time to spray down the surfaces you have touched after you have finished.

·       We would encourage you to come in the front door and exit through the back door at the end of service. For those requiring the accessibility ramp, please continue to use for coming and going.

·       There will be no coffee or snacks served at this time but you are more than welcome to bring your own for your personal use.

·       If you have travelled internationally, please ensure you have self-isolated for a minimum of 14 days.
·       Children are welcome but we will not be having extra activities for them as we are not equipped for children’s church at this time. They are more than welcome to sit with their family.

·       We will be recording the names of attendees strictly for the purpose of record should there be an outbreak. The list will be kept for two weeks and then shredded and not used for any other purpose other than information should the AHS request.

·       Direct from the AHS Covid site:

o   Infected people can transmit the virus over greater distances through their saliva or respiratory droplets while singing, shouting, when playing certain instruments such as wind instruments or performing (e.g. drama or dance). As such, these activities are considered to be high risk, and require careful consideration at places of worship. Congregational singing is discouraged.
o   Shaking hands, hugging, touching, or passing items between people compromises the two-metre distance between congregants and must not occur, except between members of the same household or cohort family. Alternatives such as waving, nodding, or bowing should be encouraged.
o   Religious rituals that involve physical contact between individuals, such as anointing with oils or baptisms increase the likelihood of disease transmission and should be performed in an alternate fashion that minimizes physical contact.
o   Individuals can wear clean, properly fitted non-medical masks to further reduce the risk of transmission. However, even when wearing masks, attendees should always try to maintain a two-metre distance from anyone who is not a member of their household.
o   Everyone in the place of worship should follow proper respiratory etiquette practices at all times. These practices include coughing and sneezing into the elbow or a tissue, discarding tissues into a lined garbage bin, and washing hands afterwards.

·        There will be no bulletins available to reduce the risk of spread of contaminants.

·        The facility is cleaned after the service but we also have others who use the facility during the week. They also have been instructed to completely clean the areas they use and the church goes through another cleaning before the weekend.

AHS guidelines have been printed and are available throughout the facility as a reference. They can also be found online at

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 403-638-4055 or via email at

Blessings to one and all!
Main Avenue Fellowship and Pastor Todd

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