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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

And Therein Lies The Truth

I have so much fun watching as media, leaders and even those on social media report on their findings as they research the always truthful internet to support their beliefs. We can type in “the downfall of the economy in 2020” and pages of information and statistics based on this information can be conjured up and many will cut and paste this into their personal memory, post the links on social media and gather a following who will add to the swell of statistics and reporting based on said same information. Now, consider this:

Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable.  ~Author Unknown

Years ago, I took a stats course in university and, while the professor was trying to be funny, what he said stuck in my mind and it is rather scary to think how true it is. He declared that “people and business will come to statisticians and ask them to prove or disprove a particular stance”. What is truly mindboggling is this; if enough people share their version of the information based on pliable statistics, then I suggest that preferences define the truth. Funniest truth is this; there are three sides to any conversation – yours, mine, and the truth. Over the past few years, I have been attempting to live in the third perspective.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” John 14:6-7 ESV

In our faith walk there are many perceptions and preferences. These are, in many cases, defined as denominations but even within the same denomination, there can be your side and my side and then, somewhere in the middle, is the truth. I do not fully believe in everything my brothers and sisters believe in, and the pliability of our understanding, the gathering of information that supports our viewpoint tends to support our migration into likeminded gatherings. When these gatherings come up against another, some will seek conformation to their ideals while the wise will seek out the common ground and therein find the Truth. Jesus is the way, the only way. He is the Truth and the life that we, as a Christian faith family, seek with all our being.

Is there anything in our faith worth fighting about? We know the Truth and we have seen the Truth. He was born, lived and died. He was buried and arose once again. Death has no hold over Him and we are His creation, His children. It is time to come together and show the world that we are family watched over by our Father in Heaven.

We invite you to join us online at 10:30 AM (Mountain Time) on Facebook. Click on the following link:( ) or view it afterwards on our website (

See you all Sunday, online.

Pastor Todd

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