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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

To God Be The Glory

Over the past 18 years of ministry, I have often had to defend my position regarding my faith and my God. So many times, the argument comes right down to two simple questions; where is your proof of an all-powerful deity and what about those who are already good, kind and loving people but don’t believe in God? I am going to leave the proof question for another time as I have spoken at length on this subject but rarely have I addressed the second question.

This is a question I had numerous years ago from someone who wanted nothing to do with the church. I want you to understand that this person was not being confrontational, this person really wanted to know why. The question: “My friend is a great guy. Never swears, is honest as the day is long, believes that his word is his bond doesn’t smoke, never gets drunk and is the greatest person you would ever want to know. What makes this person any different from anyone else who is of like character but they believe in God. Is it God that makes the person good or is it the attitude in that person that makes them good?” Very good question and quite complex but there is a solid answer.

Goodness is a quality found in many people. To understand the joy and peace of God is to have an anchor and a model of goodness to rely and lean upon when a person is tested. Yes, good people who do not believe in God can have great and wonderful lives just like Christians have but there is a very big difference. Scripture says; “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” Eph 2:8-9 NIV. The goodness shown by people of faith and people who do not believe in Christ is great for the overall physical and emotional health of a community but where there is a division, it is in the future. By the grace of God through Jesus Christ, we will know an eternity of joy, peace and love. There is no end to the goodness. For all, there will be a judgement, one that I do not know the full outcome because I am not the judge. All I can do is live a righteous life, give all the credit and glory to God and share the message. For those who do not believe or question the validity of my God, my answer is this – it is your choice to make.

This Sunday, we invite you to join us either in person or online as we celebrate the love and joy of our Saviour and King. Services start at 10:30 MST and can be seen live on Facebook ( or viewed afterwards on our website (

Pastor Todd

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