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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

One Last Selfless Act

As I sit and contemplate what God wants me to share each week, I am always amazed at what, and how He will deliver. I have become so accustomed to seeing His presence that it is difficult to write about any one topic. Through tragedy, and death in our communities, He inspires and galvanizes people to help and lean on each other. Where strangers once walked it seems, people are beginning to notice, care, and smile at each other. It’s not everywhere, yet it is in more places than yesterday.

As Jesus walked, died in the human, so that we could live, so do some people. This past week, a man passed away, perhaps saying see you later to his family and friends. The one last selfless act was the donation of organs, so others could have life. A lesson of human nature perhaps, but I’d like to believe that Jesus told him, and taught him to be like Him. In the face of death, Jesus asked Father God to forgive mankind. God did, and even offered us a way to be with Him in eternity. You see a part of Jesus was given unto men and women so we may have the opportunity at life eternal. It is up to us to never reject that.

God shows up, or at least makes Himself known to us when He knows we truly need Him. It could be the smallest of victories with your banker, employer, family, or even through a strangers’ touch. Perhaps this week he gave you another birthday, or allowed a medical appointment to be moved up. Perhaps He welcomed a family member or friend into His kingdom. Maybe He made you wait just one more day for something, because He needed you to think something through. Whatever occurred happened for a reason only He knows. We will never figure out how God works, or why things roll out the way they do. The best that we can do is trust that His plan for us, is in our best interest.

Bad things will take place every day in our community. Please refrain from laying blame on God as a knee jerk reaction. Where is God in our troubles and tragedies? He’s right in front of you, beside you, and behind you, and when you acknowledge Him, you will feel His presence inside you. Even now He is planning a tomorrow just for you, and for me. Look up, walk forward and just say thanks.

Mike Shindruk

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