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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Moms; A Lifetime of Sacrifice

This week, we celebrate Moms. Imagine the strength and endurance it takes to be a mom. They conceive, carry, deliver, nurture then let us go, through smiles and tears. Mother’s or not, all women are moms’ to someone. Gray hair and wrinkles are merely a life time road map of the miles and hours devoted to others. I’ve watched lately, as some mom’s sat with pride through concerts, dance recitals, graduations, and births of grand babies. Many do this even as a single mom. Yet, they never break. Some are praying for a child in a hospital bed, for those far from home and for those whose moms are with Jesus. Some have been promoted to God’s glory laughing all the way through the gates. Moms give us a lifetime of sacrifice and, most of the time, in graceful silence. Each was chosen by God to do this and every one accepted.

I am reminded that God chose Mary, a humble girl of no standing, to carry the most precious child of all; Jesus. A song says, on His mother’s side, they call Him Jesus but on His Father’s side, they call Him Emmanuel. She accepted and knew the immense gift and responsibility of being a mom, His mom. May we all honor our moms and wives for doing the same for us and our children.

Mike Shindruk
Master’s Hand Ministry

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