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Monday, May 9, 2016

God Shaped Hole

Many years ago when my kids were much younger we had a puzzle set that was shaped like a ball with flattened sides; there were various shaped holes in these sides with corresponding pieces that only fit a specific hole. I found it amusing to watch them try to fit the pieces in the wrong hole and see the confusion on their faces, until they finally made the mental and visual connection of how the pieces were shaped and realized how they fit.

How does this story relate to me you might ask? Well, the Christian music group PLUMB recorded a song with these words. “There’s a God-shaped hole in all of us and it’s a void only He can fill.” Not realizing it, we go through life trying to satisfying our spiritual hunger by fitting improperly shaped pieces into this God-shaped hole.

In Gen. 1:26a of The Amplified Bible, God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness.” The Bible is very clear. There’s only One Shape to fill the void...the shape of the Man on the cross.

John A. Spicer
Master’s Hand Ministry

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