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Monday, January 10, 2022

Why So Scared?

So many people are fearful of those things they cannot see. Think of those things that are unseen that so many are fearful of, things that can paralyse a person in fear or can change a person’s attitude or actions purely based on a fear of a negative outcome. There are those who will bow down to the fear mongering just to avoid the repercussions and then there are those who will push back and rebel or just walk away and let the chips fall where they may. This is a tough time, a time of uncertainty and of fear. Conspiracy theories about, cancel culture rules social media and people are not only fearful of the diseases and choices out there but they are also afraid of saying the wrong thing to the wrong person and essentially setting themselves up for social abuse and exclusion. That is a fear in the human realm.

And God has given us his Spirit as proof that we live in him and he in us. Furthermore, we have seen with our own eyes and now testify that the Father sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. All who declare that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God. We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love.  1 John 4:13-16

Let me preface this by admitting that the church has done a disservice by preaching the whole fire and brimstone message. Believe in God or face the consequences. Yes, there are consequences but why try to motivate people with the negative?  Read the message from Jesus, let the Truth bring light to the real Message; Jesus saves. There is nothing to fear in His message. Love God, love each other. Trust in Him and He will set you free. What are you set free from? Your past is forgiven, your eternal life is guaranteed, the world will look far different when you seek out the joy and love in the world rather than dwell in the stressors the world would have us believe is the norm. There is a choice to be made and it is yours alone, no pressure, no threats. When we chose to follow Christ, our lives will change forever but if the choice is to maintain the current direction in life, nothing much will change so why are so many fearful of His message? My life changed for the better when I decided to follow Jesus. When I started to write these articles, the choice to read them or to ignore them was fully in the hands of those who had a choice. Some do not believe, some have pushed back and some have even argued in order to change my mind but there is one thing remains; I still love them all regardless of their attitude towards me, towards my Saviour.

What is there to fear from the Lord? The choice is yours just as there was a choice for me. I respect the choices of others and appreciate the same in return. For those who wish to know more about faith in Christ, we invite you to join us either in person or watch us online at 10:30 AM

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We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.


Pastor Todd


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