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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Why So Bold?

A while back, I read an article about a pro sports team that had performed well above their level and had come very close to winning the championship even though they were a very new expansion team. There was speculation as to why they had gone so far in the playoffs and even grumblings that this new team did not deserve to get so far into the playoffs or even make it into the championship rounds. Some claimed foul because they had not paid their dues, others lobbied to ratify the rules so that teams in their first few years of existence should have to wait to get a chance. I understand this sounds rather ludicrous but there were some very upset people out there. On the flip side, there were those who loudly cheered them on, rallied around the little team that could and jumped on the noob bandwagon. The deeper they went into the playoffs, the more people started to believe until the wheels fell off in the final games and they failed in their bid for a championship. The naysayers were quick to point out that they never stood a chance, they should never have gotten where they had and you won’t see them in the playoffs again for a very long time.

Truth be told, based on their roster, the lack of playoff experience and their mediocre talent pool, they should not have done well but they had something going for them that no one really understood, they had faith. Their leadership told them they could achieve greatness if they only believed and supported one another. The coaches gave them all the opportunities to prove the naysayers wrong by giving them the tools they needed to succeed and the players all supported one another and believed in each other. You see, all the players on the team were the ones their past teams felt they could do without and left them unprotected but the General Manager saw potential and greatness in them. The leadership brought them together and they did awesome things, together.

Now, consider this. In 1 John 4 starting at 18, the early Christians are being persecuted and there is a sentiment of fear and doubt but they are being told that the love and protection of Christ is greater than all the evils they confront. 

Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.  We love each other because he loved us first.

It is becoming more and more common for those who do not know the love of God to come against those of faith and try to stifle the Message or break up the team. They bring forth tactics such as belittling, bullying or even cancel culture to either shut the faithful up or to eliminate the message. I would ask that for those who are so adamant there is no God, continue on your way and don’t worry about the followers of Christ for our mandate is one of peace and compassion. For those who are dedicated to the Message, band together, support one another, pray for those who persecute and know that, in the end, there will be victory in Glory.

This Sunday, we will delve into examine the power of Christ through His love for the world. For those who wish to know more about the fellowship of Christ, we invite you to join us either in person or watch online at 10:30 AM

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We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.


Pastor Todd


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