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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Why So Joyful?

Heard at a shopping centre a few years ago, “chivalry is not dead”. A woman walking up to the doors of the mall and a young gentleman noticed her coming. He paused before reaching out to grasp the door handle and, as she approached, he opened the door for her then rushed by her to the inner doors and opened them as well. It was not the act of being polite that caught my attention, even though I found it to be quite refreshing to witness it, but rather the expression on her face. She seemed quite stunned that someone would not only pause to open the door for her but that he would then race forward to open the second one. There seemed to be a lilt in her step that was not there before and it was almost as if a joyful light had gone off in her being. It played in my mind that this was an example of the mission of Christ. What would Jesus do?

He is kind and loving, willing to put the needs of others regardless of their post in society. He came for all, not just the rich, not just the poor, nor the healthy or the lame but rather for all. As the disciples stopped for supper, Christ loosened His robes, took up a towel and a basin and washed their feet. I can only imagine the look on their faces as He did so. Could they have had the same expression as the woman who had the door opened for her?

“You want to wash my feet? But why? There are servants paid to do that. I can do this myself.”

I realized my age a few months ago when a young man paused at the door of the pharmacy and waited for me to come near. As I arrived, he opened the door for me and, after I thanked him, he wished me well and skittered off to do his own thing. My day took a turn for the better after that one act of kindness. I wanted to ask him if he was a man of faith but instead, I rejoiced in his kindness and asked God to bless him. Love your neighbour and be blessed.

God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. 1 John 4:16-17 NLT

This Sunday, we will delve into the thought of What Would Jesus Do by discovering the attributes of Christ. If we truly desire to live like Jesus in this world, it would be advantageous to delve into His character. For those who wish to know more about the attributes of Christ, we invite you to join us either in person or watch us online at 10:30 AM

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We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.


Pastor Todd

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