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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

I'm In Good Hands

For as long as I can remember, this iconic slogan has been a part of our culture. “You’re in good hands with Allstate.” How amazing it is, that a few simple words, can have such an impact with generations of people. As I write this article, I am at home, recovering from knee surgery. It was an extensive revision of the knee I had done a few years ago. A fairly common scenario, yet when it’s on your own doorstep, it doesn’t feel that way. Over the last number of months as I anxiously waited for the call and tried to mentally prepare myself, I kept hearing “ in good hands” over and over. Not so much connected to my situation, but those few words kept popping up in conversation. Whether I used them to encourage someone who was going through their own nightmare, or in idle conversation as people spoke well of my surgeon, I heard it over and over.    

As I went through my pre-op stages a few days before my surgery, so many people, who recognized the surgeon’s name, spoke quite highly of him. Now, you need to understand that I had no fear, anxiety, hesitation or trepidation, yet they didn’t know that and were perhaps trying to reassure me. I quietly chuckled to myself, as they didn’t know that I had God in my corner, and He had me in His hands. You see, through all of the hundreds of little things to prepare myself for, like the next few months off to recover and heal, my financial well being for my home, personal health, and yes mental state, I never once shouldered any fear. I knew I was in good hands. My families, both faith and blood were and are a constant source of care, empathy, emotional and financial support. They also, held me up through their own struggles and problems. With all of them, I was in good hands.       

But I want to get back to God and His hands. When we are being pulled through a challenge, loss of a loved one, or a surgical wait, we are all on edge. Every time the phone rings, we jump a bit, thinking only of the worst. Well, I had to wait month after month for a call I knew would come, but just not knowing when. I chose not to panic. Yes, I waited on each call, but I knew it would come and I knew I was in good hands. God’s. With every day that passed, I realized that God had me booked, He just didn’t need to let me know. Finally, my date was given and a weight was lifted as I knew I had tangible information to plan around. Winding my tasks down at my workplace, last minute home repairs, and even some bank responsibilities were all in alignment. I spent more time with my family, and more private time with my wife. After all I am sixty-five, and if God saw fit to take me or send me back, I was prepared. Even in these things, I was in good hands.       

So came my surgical date. I spent as much face time with my wife with private conversations and thoughts, and I was wheeled in. The technician who was getting me ready, recognized the surgeons’ name and said, yup, you’re in good hands. I agreed, again, knowing who put me there, who would be guiding the doctors, and who would wake me when all was done. My stay was an expected 3-4 days, but all went so well, I was released home the next day. You see, went through this entire challenge without fear, without doubt, without sweaty palms and woke, knowing who had me. God did.       

My friends, He does that for each one of us. We just need to let go and believe it. Look up when you’re down, reach up when you fall down and never allow self doubt or the devil to creep in and rob you. If you’re facing something like this right now just take in the sunsets like they’re not the last one. Tell Him you trust Him, and when someone says, oh you’ll be in good hands, just agree, and say yes, God’s.

Mike Shindruk

Master’s Hand Ministry

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