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Monday, July 26, 2021

How Hard Can It Be?


For some of you, this drawing makes perfect sense, or does it? Look at it closely and try to focus on one or two points that may make sense and then work your way out from that point. Do you see it? Dig deep and look at the numbers then find a point of reference that will make it clearer. Now, do you see it? Still nothing? I am sure there are a few out there who have a degree in engineering or are skilled tradespeople who have figured one part of this out; it is upside-down. When you flip it over, do you see the four wheels on the bottom tray? How about the control knobs for the burners in the middle of the page or the distinctive shape of the hood at the top of the picture? Now, consider this. You are the recipient of this wonderful gift yet you have no idea what a portable gas BBQ looks like and haven’t a clue as to how to put one together. You are given the tools required to figure it out but instead of clear and concise instructions, you are given this blow-up parts diagram and told to assemble the item in two hours because that is when the guests arrive. Add to this the stress of having to assemble the item on the patio, in the rain with no help.

Years ago, I was told that if you want people to fall in love with Christ, use the KISS method; Keep It Simple Silly. While learning all that was needed to be a preacher in God’s house, I started throwing around these big words like ecclesiastical, eschatological, dispensationalism and marmalade only to be told that these are words that people in the church, or in a Christian university, know and relate to. We have, over the past many years, made the message so hard to understand through big words and tough concepts that it isn’t relational but rather institutional. I have said this numerous times and will go to my grave preaching it; faith in Christ is not about knowing the right words but being in right relationship with our Creator, our Saviour. Jesus said it in John 3:16-17 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.”

In the beginning of any relationship, we need to know the basics and build on this. It would be the same as having someone show you a picture of the BBQ before you started to do the build. Once you have that understanding, the time comes to build the BBQ, or relationship, using simple terms and descriptions like a basic instruction guide. Consider the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, BIBLE. I would like to make note at this point, it is always easier to build the BBQ, or relationship, with the help of a trusted friend or two. Once the BBQ is completed, there is a time to rejoice and enjoy the wonders of it all but also a chance to help others when they find themselves in the same position as you once were. Same goes for building the relationship with Christ. We can bask in the knowledge that we are saved by His sacrifice, we are forgiven for what He accomplished on the cross and we can build that relationship over time until the day of Glory comes but wouldn’t it be so much better if we could share this love and joy with others? The message is simple; Jesus cared so much that He laid down His earthly life for all of us, He asks only that we believe, follow Him and mirror His love for us to all we come into contact with. Yes, it is that simple and it all begins with a willingness to trust in Christ the Saviour.

We invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or watch us online at 10:30.

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We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.


Pastor Todd


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