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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Let's Think About This For A Moment

It was a very weird couple of weeks for me as I pondered a great many things. Usually, I will do an article that will relate to the upcoming service, but I am not sure this one is going to. Like I indicated, it has been a strange couple of weeks. When I was in a time of prayer, I was amazed by a strange thought. Now, let me preface this with the fact that I noticed a show on television titled “God Friended Me”. I should have saved this article for another time because I could do an entire series on it and I might in the future but there is a thought that has numerous connotations and paths that should be addressed.

There are numerous people out there who, and please do not jump on me for this statement, are addicted to their social media and are obsessed with how many followers they have. You may ask “where is he going with this?” Well, let’s try this on for a moment. I follow quite a few people on social media and will get notifications that they have posted. There are times I will check out the post but for the most part I glance at the notice and then move along. There are items I post on social media and I do not expect those who follow on social media to read and respond but am humbled when I get a note back. On the flip side, I do know quite a few people who truly believe if they hashtag a famous person, that person will stop what they are doing and read it thoroughly. One person said they were going to text a politician and tell them exactly what they thought of him and I asked “do you have any type of relationship with that politician?” Response, “well, no but I follow him on twitter”. There is something truly wrong with this thinking.

Now, let us consider this; God friended me. I can hashtag, tag, direct contact anyone on social media but, unless I have a solid relationship with the person, chances are I am simply virtual static. In God, every query we have, every hashtag we lay down with Him is heard and He will respond. The second we call out “Lord, do you hear me?”, His response is “Of course, my child”.  This is more than we can expect from our “friends” on social media. God does listen to each and everyone one of our queries, requests and praises and He is well pleased to know we are thinking of Him. This is a relationship that goes far beyond the “like” button on social media. Maybe this is the link to this Sunday’s sermon from John 16:23-24.

“This is what I want you to do: Ask the Father for whatever is in keeping with the things I’ve revealed to you. Ask in my name, according to my will, and he’ll most certainly give it to you. Your joy will be a river overflowing its banks!

There is not a single person on social media that can give you what He has prepared and I know for a fact there is not a single person on your friends list that listens to every word, every thought and will respond as you are in need of. He is Father, Creator and Saviour. His promise is forever.

We invite you to join us this Sunday either in person (we are limited to numbers inside the building) or online. Should you wish to join us online, click on either link below to join us live:

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See you all Sunday.


Pastor Todd


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