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Monday, January 11, 2021

Better Days Ahead

Hello friends. It is so good to be back, and to again being able to submit to the Faith page of the New Glasgow News. To begin, I extend my sincere thanks to the editor for the space, and to those of you who can begin to read these once more. I have missed sharing messages of encouragement these past number of months. For me, I believe the temporary disruption of our lives was merely an opportunity from God to reset. I must admit that for a time, God’s voice was being muted by the despair of the last year. The static of chaos in our world was, in itself, deafening. Yet God remained faithful to His children.


Personally, I can admit that I too began to become lukewarm, yet never cooling off from God’s word. The immediate uncertainties of the past year forced me to stop and re-evaluate the things that are truly the most valuable in my life. I realized how much I missed gathering for weekly church service. I miss the wonderful people who are my faith family. I miss the elderly residents at Shiretown Nursing home, to whom we would sing to every month. I miss our family supper’s at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I miss the freedom of sitting in a crowded restaurant listening to the sound of other people. I miss not being afraid of another human in a checkout line. I miss going to a concert, or movie theater. Like all of you, I miss the good things we all took for granted.


What I was given was even greater. I was given time, precious time. Time with my wife, at my cottage on a lake. I was given no lost time by my employer. I was given time to clear the world’s static, so I could hear God’s whispers. He gave me time to think of what His plan for me might be, Jeremiah 29:11. He gave me time to look up, ask for help, and wait for an answer, any answer. Psalm 121. He gave me time to hone some carpentry skills. He gave me time to rest a weary mind and body. He never gave me more time, just enough of the quiet to appreciate His gifts and grace.


Even now, as we cannot gather for church as usual, He has made a way, where there seemed to be no way. Our Pastor now video records a weekly sermon that reaches across Canada, and also writes a weekly message in print. Dr. Barclay gives us something to think about in print, and also records a weekly Bible study. Peter MacLaren gives us Peter’s Picks, a scripture to read for each day of the week. Our good friend Pastor Todd MacDonald in Sundrie Alberta sends us his written message weekly. Covid-19 arrived, and will be gone, yet Christ was here and will always be here. The world stopped turning for a bit, but God’s church is alive and well and is not going anywhere. It is alive and well, and thriving.


I encourage each and every one of you to receive and believe that better days are coming and coming fast. If you are reading this, then you are alive and well. Give thanks today that God has placed you in a safe place. Thank him, for Nova Scotia and the low numbers of illness and infections. Thank Him for the credible leadership from health authorities thus far. Nothing is perfect here, and we had a tough year. But compared to many parts of the world, we are in paradise. I was reminded a while ago from my friend Dr. Spencer Barclay, that if our ancestors had the intestinal fortitude to endure six years of world war in the 1940’s then surely we can put up with orderly lines and face masks for a year or two.


My friends, life is good, hope is gold, fear is false, and tomorrow will be better. Breathe, even through your mask, see using your eyes and your heart, and believe with your soul that God’s got this. Enjoy your days, as we have some great ones coming.


Mike Shindruk

Master’s Hand Ministry

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