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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Natal Day

This past week, we here in Nova Scotia celebrated yet another civic holiday known as Natal Day. For years I had an understanding of what this actually was but was wrong. I looked it up and it’s actually a celebration to mark and remember our province’s joining the Confederation of Canada. Natal, meaning birth, makes perfect sense so why not mark it with cake, parades, get togethers and, for many, the bonus of a paid holiday. Now, Nova Scotia was still a territory of cities, towns and villages yet by joining something bigger, like Canada, would open up many opportunities for greater things in the future. There would be security and safety under its banner.

Our relationship with Jesus is much the same. All of us coming from diverse backgrounds have a life and an existence. We grow up with friends, family, school and jobs and each of us are a territory onto ourselves, so to speak. When we, as followers and believers in Christ, Christians as we are known, use the term “born again”, we are referring to our relationship with Jesus. We enter into a covenant, or agreement, that we accept Jesus as the Son of God and accept no other gods. 2 Kings 17:37-39. He becomes our confederation, offering His guidance, protection, love and promise of a wonderful future. We set aside a previous life style of being consumed by the world for a life of knowing that Jesus is Lord. His Word in His life manual, the Bible, gives us hope for a better life with Him in it.

Many of us who accept Jesus into our lives can actually remember the day we made that choice. Personally I can’t, yet He knows the date. Perhaps the date is not as important as the fact that we remember and acknowledge our commitment to Him. We celebrate every day when we give thanks for the air in our lungs, the sight in our eyes and the blessings He shows us when we just look for them.

Here’s an important invitation that requires no paper contract and no written promise note. Ask God into your heart and accept His son Jesus as your true Lord and Saviour. Be born again and you also will have your own personal Natal Day, a good enough reason to enjoy a piece of cake.

Mike Shindruk,


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