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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Land of Job

As I was chatting with a few people this past week, there was a moment when the issues of 2020 seemed to parallel the plight of Job. Consider this, January of 2020 started out innocent enough with visions of a great year for many, thoughts of good fortunes and the joy of a new decade. Suddenly, people started getting sick, there was a panic as it was declared a pandemic and the world shut down. Businesses closed, families were sequestered and the media kept us up to date with the rising numbers and stories of doom and gloom. How do we keep our hopes and dreams alive. Cries of what did we do wrong, why are we being punished began to ring out. It took time but the wave subsided and things got back to some semblance of normalcy. There may still be a chance.

September came and the hint of lifting restrictions even further and it was almost like someone said “go ahead, give them another shot” and the second wave came thundering in. This was worse than before and the restrictions started to be reinstated. People were getting used to new freedoms and a new hope only to have that taken away once again. Where now does our hope lie; in a vaccine, in a lock down plan? It is said “it is always darkest before the dawn” and we wait for the light to shine into our situation.

God stated “have you considered my servant Job?” Evil prowled the earth seeking a way to destroy God’s relationship with His children and God said “test him (Job)”. Satan tested Job not once, but twice with the second test almost killing Job. His friends were no help sowing the seeds of dissention but Job held firm to his hope, his faith. Never did he turn his back on his faith and as we see in Job 42:10… “the Lord restored his fortunes. In fact, the Lord gave him twice as much as before!” I truly believe that when this is all over, we will come out the other end, we will be truly blessed and be stronger going into the new decade. Let us put our faith in a loving God, our hope in His promise for our future and know that when our time is done on this earth, there is a place of such joy prepared that we could never even imagine.

We invite you to join us as we celebrate His grace and love this first Sunday of Advent. If you are attending in person we would like to advise you to please bring a mask as it will be required as per the new provincial guidelines.

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See you all Sunday.


Pastor Todd



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