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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

When God Isn’t Enough

Sometimes, our situations and challenges are just too much to carry on our own. We endure personal setbacks in our health, finances, relationships, and yes even our faith. When we attend church service, are surrounded by our faith family, then encouraged from the pulpit, we leave with a full cup. We should always come in empty, and leave full, come in broken, and leave healed. Most of the time this happens, yet there will be times when one service isn’t enough to heal everything. In reality, it’s not meant to be. It’s important that we repeat, repeat, repeat.

Lately, our family, like many others have been attacked in our health and other ways, and it seemed like praying to God is just not enough. Perhaps, it’s not. I believe that is why He has sent us our faith family. We are encouraged to ask God for everything, as He is, and will always listen. I believe that with every fiber, yet our faith family are the tangible beings we can call on. They are exactly who we must run to, fellowship with, and pray with when we are overwhelmed. God has given us the gift of fellowship and He encourages us to meet with one another in good and bad times. In Hebrews 10:24-15 NCV, we are encouraged this way. Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds. You should not stay away from the church meetings, as some are doing, but you should meet together and encourage each other. Do this even more as you see the day coming.

My family was blessed these past weeks as our pastor, fellow prayer warriors, and all of our faith family obeyed these scriptures. The elements of our situations are many, yet our people have surrounded us, like they do for everyone. We have been blessed beyond measure, and know that you will also be blessed in your situations.

Continue to look to the heavens for help, and believe that God has surrounded you with His gifts of people who will lift you in His stead. Please understand that He listens to the cry of your heart, and has warriors in place to be with you. They happen to be sitting beside you in the church service you attend. Perhaps there are times when we think that God is not enough. In these times, call on your brothers and sisters in Christ. The hand they lend will be the one holding you to the Father.

Mike Shindruk

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