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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Eternal Gift

Death where is your sting – your power is as dead as my sin. (Hillsong – Album “Zion”)

Jerry (not his real name) was looking at a very long prison sentence and wondered how his life had gone so sideways. As a child, he was surrounded by a loving family and had all the benefits of a healthy upbringing. Jerry had it all and then some but there was something missing and he couldn’t put his finger on it. School was done, university loomed and the promise of a bigger life ahead. University was tough but manageable and the day came when it was time to shift the tassel and graduate. The world was a different place even in the few years that he had been in university. His degree was common place and higher education was required to compete for the great jobs. A Masters degree meant more time and more effort but it would be worth it. Long days, long nights and the caffeine was no longer helping. One bad mark followed by another took its toll and soon the accolades that were bestowed on him in the past began to create a burden for him in the present. Then came the crash and he found himself in the prison of self, a life sentence that would end his dreams and possibly his life.

As Jerry fell into the dungeon of despair, a message on the inside cover of a Gideon’s Bible in the tableside drawer struck deep into his very soul – “Do not despair for you are not alone. Jesus cries with you and wants only to draw you nearer to Him. Read John 3:16-17 for comfort”. Jerry began to turn the pages and found it very difficult as he had severed many of the tendons in both wrists. Then he read it;

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

There were no massive volumes of rules to adhere to, no great sacrifices and no one to impress. Jerry was not condemned for one mistake in life but rather he was set free knowing that life could be lived fully knowing that there was more than the grave. The prison door that had held him down, the court of public opinion that helped to drive him into the dungeon of despair no longer held control over him. Life is for the living, Christ’s promise of eternal life in glory was made possible through His sacrifice on the cross so why should we let death rule our lives. Jesus has made death’s grip inconsequential, it is time to live fully and completely.

This Sunday, we continue to study Ps 119:65-72 and look at the just how precious is the love of God. We invite you to join us if you can at 10:30 MST on Sunday or watch live online on Facebook ( ) or view it afterwards on our website (

Pastor Todd

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