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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Bringing Joy To Your Life

Want to find joy? I read an article online entitled “29 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Happier This Year” by Sarah Winfrey (2014). It was a wildly entertaining article that included in the first three points work with your hands, practice “taking in the good” and help others. There were also other suggests such as let go of perfection, become calm and guzzle H2O. The one that really intrigued me considering it is a “scientific study” was fake it until you make it. Outstanding advice (that was sarcasm). There are numerous ways to find joy and, with the way things are in this country today, I was surprised that there was no mention of recreational mary-jane, alcohol and the always great saying “if it doesn’t hurt anyone else, go for it”. Put on the temporary mask of joy and fake it until you find the magical answer that will get you smiling like the Joker’s dates in the original Batman movie. I'm only laughing on the outside, my smile is just skin deep. If you could see inside I'm really crying, you might join me for a weep. (The Joker to Vicki Vale)

Let me share with you a top five unscientific list of suggestions to be happier this year:

5) Listen – when you see someone in need of a caring ear or a compassionate shoulder, take time to stop and just listen. Most of the time people just want someone to listen. Be the bearer of joy for someone in need.
4) Meditate – purposely set aside time to meditate. I find reading scripture and then taking the time to meditate on what the Word means for my life brings a calmness and joy to my life.
3) Pray for others – there are so many people out there who want to drag you into their miseries so they have company. Take time out to pray with them and for them. Lift up their needs to the Lord and show them how to cast their cares upon a loving and compassionate God.
2) Pray for yourself – you are the apple of God’s eyes and He does not want you to be hurting or alone. Keep an open line of communication with God and ask Him for strength and guidance and expect Him to bring peace and joy into your life.
1) Give thanks to Jesus – Remember that the Father sent His one and only Son into this world so that those who believe in Him shall never know the eternity of death. 

Jesus offers a wonderful alternative to the pains and struggles of daily life and the joy that comes from knowing Him turns the fake smile into a soul smile that cannot be quashed by the world.

This Sunday we celebrate the Joy of the Lord in our second Sunday of Advent. We invite you to join us in person or online at 10:30 MST or you can watch live on Facebook ( or view it afterwards on our website (

Pastor Todd

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