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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Yes, Jesus Loves You

There is a song that has been taught to children for generations. The lyrics are: Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong. Yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me. Yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so. When we sing this to our children, its message is accepted without question. Why, then, as we grow older, we forget this and sometimes even stop believing it? This question was raised last weekend at our annual prayer retreat at Camp Geddie here in Pictou County, NS.

Through some discussion and opinion, we heard that our individual life circumstance can play a huge role in germinating seeds of doubt. Like the illness of depression, doubting God’s love for us can and will affect anyone regardless of age, gender or social standing. The world and it’s never ending barrage of technology, violence, speed and stress have us so busy that we become disconnected with the very one who designed and made us; God. Governments, activists and society have been forcing Jesus out of our schools, public and workplaces. God’s morals and commandments are being removed in favor of political correctness so as to not offend anyone. All the while, we are seeing simple things like common courtesy, moral honesty and being our brothers’ keeper becoming extinct like the dinosaurs. All of this mayhem seems to be running amok and instead of addressing and stopping it, we have our noses buried in our cell phones. Free WiFi has replaced free Bibles.

Yet, there is hope. Despite all of these distractions, God still loves us. He loves us regardless of race, color, gender, age, sexual orientation, social status or whether we believe in Him or not. He loved us from the beginning of time, before we came into existence and there is nothing that can separate us from that perfect love. He does not instruct us to silence or kill those who disagree with us, rather He tells us to love and pray for them as in Matthew 5:44 and Luke 6:27.

God loves you, with no conditions attached; period. He’s there even when you don’t know it. How should you know this? Easy, He woke you this morning and gave you another day to love Him right back.

Mike Shindruk

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