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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A Savior Has Been Born To You

Well this past year has certainly been anything but boring. As I take a few moments of indulgence on how God has blessed me, I encourage the same for you. He carried me through knee surgery that alleviated chronic pain. He walked with me through an emotional roller coaster. He preserved my job with my employer, and I am thankful for both. When Satan tried to knock me down, and I was weakened, Jesus picked me up and carried me. He kept my family together and safe, and watched over and protected my children and grandchildren even if they were not aware. When a window was closed locally for His word to be shared, Jesus opened a door. Even in this publication,(The News) He  continues to work through authors like me to bring His message of hope and love to all who read His words.

He will continue to work through many in our community to keep His name front and center. When some try to silence Him, He energizes us to raise His name. He is alive and well in the hearts of groups in prison ministry, in missions to help our youth, and in the many hands and voices that minister to the elderly, the in firmed and the forgotten. God is at work in every church family in our county. We may gather in different buildings, but we all attend the same church, His. Jesus is our Lord, and what we do to, and for each other is what we do to, and for Him.

So, now as we are on the eve of what we celebrate as Jesus’ birthday, I would ask that we all remember that this past year, and the past two thousand would have never been the same if it were not for the birth of a baby named Jesus. This Christmas morning, may we all take a moment to read Luke 2:11 (NIV) Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the messiah the Lord. Then remember that the miracle of His resurrection after going to the cross for us, almost completes the story. May we always see the cross, when we look at the cradle. This should give us even more reason to celebrate Christ in our lives. Give thanks for the most precious Christmas gift from God, His son Jesus.

Mike Shindruk

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